Our images are absolutely harmless and are aimed at everyone. We are currently looking for the best ways to ensure wide distribution of this first book.
Book introduction :
“Real imagination is constructed by technical imagination.
Francis Bacon
The rest is imaginary imagination and it leads nowhere“
Photography, as we practice it, is a free and intuitive exploration. Each image captured represents a fragment of pure and objective reality. It’s presented in a set of visual facts devoid of predetermined narratives.
We photograph what we want to see. Without a plan.Without trying to prove or verify anything. This freedom of not deciding in advance what we are going to photograph allows us to capture magical and unforeseen moments, which we could never reproduce. It is this obsession with the photographic medium that guides us, more than our personal or conscious choices.
Without bias, we observe the visual and poetic relationships of the body to nature. In nudity as in photography, we play the game of the shown and the hidden, of the look and of the avoidance, of the offered and the stolen. This is played out indefinitely. Bare truth, chance, and the unimaginable are our ultimate subjects.
Our method is based on a staging ritual. Everyone is available and in their role. Cosette supports and accompanies the model, allowing her to breathe and move freely. Jérôme photographs the scene, reacting concretely to what presents itself. Model, director, and photographer work as one to create an environment of trust and concentration setting the stage for the magic of photography to happen.
Our work serves no cause. It claims nothing. Explains nothing. We photograph for the sake of photography as art. The spectator is free to interpret according to his beliefs and his imagination in the moment.
This book celebrates the power of black and white photography. It’s a technique that we believe will continue to inspire our imaginations and dreams for a long time to come.
It is designed to be left open on a lectern. It allows forimages to slowly reveal themselves. Throughout the different lighting moods of the day, it provides a continuous experience. We hope that it will allow you to frame the photographic nude in a new light.
We warmly thank all the volunteers who showed upand got naked in nature for us. Nothing would have been possible without their trust and generosity.
J & C